Our friends at the Productivity Commission say that digital is one of two places (the other being agriculture) where NZ should make some big bets. Keyboard ready projects could span settings to encourage the early adoption of infrastructure like 5G or internet of things, to encourage clusters of digital businesses, increased R&D allowances or to increase training in digital skills. Digital exports of services, powered by NZ's renewable green energy, could be a brilliant 'weightless export' opportunity for NZ. Check out the events this week that will look at this:
LIVE WEBINAR by A FEW QUIET YARNS: Tech-Tuesday (https://afqy-june9th-visionweeknz.eventbrite.co.nz);
LIVE WEBINAR by BECA: Designing for Prosperity in a digital and carbon positive age (https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mz8n0lnFQKmNAGr9ciSGQQ).